
Northwest Assistance Ministries hosts its Back to School Project

Thanks to generous donations throughout the year, Northwest Assistance Ministries (NAM) can purchase school supplies for local children in need from Kindergarten through 12th grade. NAM was alive with smiles and excitement from the 3,339 families who picked up their child’s school supplies on Saturday, August 3, 2019.


The families who came to pick up their child’s school supplies were treated to free hot dogs that were grilled outside of NAM and 104.1 KRBE who came out to provide music and entertainment. This excitement the children receive over school supplies turns into eagerness for the first day of school.

“When children have the tools they need to learn it opens up a realm of opportunities for their futures, and in turn, the community,” stated Debbie Peterson, Director of Emergency Basic Needs at NAM. “NAM’s Back To School Project gives these struggling families the essentials they need and relieves the financial pressure.” she continued.  “This event puts the children we are helping on an even playing field with their classmates. Now they have a chance to succeed!”


Along with school supplies, Skechers donated one hundred $50 gift cards to NAM to hand out to families who had children starting kindergarten this year so they can purchase new shoes for school. NAM also received Academy gift cards, which were given to families with grade school children to help with the purchase of school uniforms.

Thank you to our generous community that supports NAM and allows NAM to serve our community in programs such as the Back to School Project.

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