Light Up Network is a youth-led community project founded by siblings Kate-Yeonjae Jeong and Matthew Jeong. The project is composed of artistically inclined high school students who wish to share the joy of art, the project partners youth with seniors in the local and national community.
Through the offered Care Through Art program, which includes arts & crafts activities and art performances, youth members can connect with seniors in meaningful, heartfelt ways.
The Care Through Art program is hosted in partnership with nursing homes, veterans hospitals, hospices, and non-profit centers. During the pandemic, the art performance program has shifted to an online format, which has allowed us to connect with seniors nationwide in various states ranging from Hawaii, Colorado, California, and many more.
In addition, Light Up Network is in the process of launching Birthday Bash, a program designed to celebrate seniors’ special days with personalized songs, poetry readings, and more, alongside sweet messages for the seniors. Birthday Bash was created to prevent elderly isolation and spread positive, smile-inducing moments.
Light Up Network was designed to foster intergenerational connections and share the warmth of uniting one another through art. Its main hope is to connect youth and seniors at a deeper level and develop genuine connections and conversations.
For more information, visit