
Bikes for Mission Arlington

Most of us have cherished memories of zipping around our neighborhood on our bikes. Legs pumping furiously, wind whistling in our ears, we felt like we could take on the world. For the past several years, Bikes for Mission Arlington has made that childhood experience possible for thousands of local kids.

Mission Arlington Executive Director Tillie Burgin was on hand, again this year, to celebrate the generosity of corporations, churches, individuals, and families who donated bikes and toys for kids in our area. “Mission Arlington exists to help people at their point of need,” she said. “We’re grateful God allowed us to have another year to give away bikes.”


Each year, the community comes out in force to help those families who don’t have a way to buy a toy or bike for their children, at Christmastime. And everyone who receives a gift also hears the gospel message.

“Last year, 1,000 accepted Jesus as their Savior,” Ms. Tillie said.



Excitement mounted, the second week of December, as bikes and helmets were loaded up and paraded through town, with a police escort. “For many kids, that bike is the only thing they ask for,” Ms. Tillie said.

“The blessing of a family receiving a bike is unexplainable.” 

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