Brad Moss, DDS, PLLC
Best Family Dentist
Dr. Brad Moss wants you to know that, just like your bones, your teeth were designed to last a lifetime. They can also serve as a bellwether when it comes to the rest of your health. “Your teeth and gums are the best, most accessible, and most obvious early warning system for predicting future breakdowns elsewhere in the body, often decades before they occur,” Dr. Moss said. “And your capacity to heal anywhere in the body is delayed when gum disease is present. Look upon each dental visit as a way to aid your overall health.”
Your teeth, gums, and jaw all share a network of blood vessels connected to your larger circulatory system. Because of this connection, oral bacteria can hitch a ride through the bloodstream until it reaches your heart. “Your teeth don’t function in isolation from the rest of your body but rather have a symbiotic relationship with it,” Dr. Moss said. “Dentists are the physicians of the mouth, and the teeth they treat are the sentinels to the rest of body.” That’s why Dr. Moss maintains a talented support team including his wife, Polly, an RN.
It’s important to obtain an extensive health history with an emphasis on three areas of risk, assessing how each may be affecting their oral health — and in turn their overall health. “We evaluate the health of the gums (periodontal risk),” Dr. Moss said. “Is there inflammation or disease? Many people don’t realize healthy gums don’t bleed.”
The second area of risk is decay. While some people may make it to their fifties without a single cavity, others experience cavities as children. “We look at why there’s decay and whether any old dentistry might be beginning to break down,” Dr. Moss said.
The third risk they consider is the bite. Are you hitting heavy in any one area? Is there excessive wear or fractures of teeth due to grinding or clinching? Do you wake up with headaches or jaw pain? “We evaluate all those things and when you leave your appointment, you’ll know whether you’re at low, moderate, or high risk in each of those areas,” Dr. Moss said. “If you’re at high risk, we’ll be sure you know what’s causing your level of risk to increase and develop a plan of care to lower your risk.” With his emphasis on the relationship between healthy oral care and overall health, it’s no wonder Dr. Moss is continually named a Top Doc in our area.
When not on the job, Dr. Moss and Polly enjoy family time with their three married children who’ve all chosen careers in medicine, their beloved granddaughters, Bonnie, Molly, and Tate, and first grandson, Art. The Mosses have made frequent medical mission trips over the years to Guatemala and look forward to a time when they can serve again with Faith in Practice.
“Your teeth and gums are the best, most accessible, and most obvious early warning system for predicting future breakdowns elsewhere in the body, often decades before they occur. And your capacity to heal anywhere in the body is delayed when gum disease is present. Look upon each dental visit as a way to aid your overall health.”