
Uniformly Appropriate?

Why more schools are considering the switch to standardized uniforms

By Mimi Greenwood Knight

While school uniforms have long been a staple at private or parochial schools, more and more public and other schools in this country are introducing them onto their campuses. While the program might not be right for all schools or all situations, here are just a few benefits many schools are citing when implementing their policies.

Fewer Distractions

When students are too focused on their wardrobe, it can distract from learning. Mandatory uniforms can remove distraction and improve student attention. Additionally, uniforms set a more serious tone in the school environment that’s more conducive to learning which can improve student performance.

Improved Academics

Many educators believe that students who wear school uniforms perform better academically in school. Studies have backed up this claim, noting that uniforms seem to correlate not only with improved academic outcomes but also deter bullying and foster a higher sense of safety in the overall school climate.

Less Time Wasted

Kids can spend a lot of time planning and choosing their daily wardrobe. A school uniform removes the decision and allows students more time to study or catch up on sleep. A school uniform can make mornings easier and less stressful.

Improved Behavior

Studies show that students who wear school uniforms behave more appropriately at school. One reason may be that uniforms dictate a stricter atmosphere meaning students who wear uniforms are more likely to follow school rules.

Less Peer Pressure

Children can be ridiculed by other children because of the way they dress. Many students feel they’re judged by other students, teachers, and administrators because of what they wear. School uniforms remove this factor, relieving students from the pressure to fit in.

School Unity

School uniforms can create a sense of community within a school. Since uniforms tend to level the playing field for students, they can have the advantage of building order and structure, helping make students feel like a unit rather than individuals.

Increased Safety

When all the students on a campus are dressed alike, it can help teachers and school officials quickly identify anyone who shouldn’t be on campus.


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