Saved by the Bell

Ready or Not?

Setting good habits for when we’re back

By Mimi Greenwood Knight

We’re living in a time of uncertainty. Without a crystal ball, none of us knows when life will return to normal or what that “normal” might look like. But at some point, our kids will likely return to traditional classroom learning and there are things we can be doing now to prepare them for that day.

Maintain a routine

Returning to a full-day schedule will be challenging for kids. Set regular bedtimes now. Wake at a consistent(ish) time. Get dressed each day. Structure and predictability now will help them transition more easily to the routine of school.

Teach good hygiene habits

Train kids now to wash their hands multiple times a day for 20 seconds each time so when school resumes it will be routine for them. Talk to them about the importance of not touching their nose, mouth, and eyes.

Practice active listening skills

Listening in a classroom with its distractions is harder than one-on-one with you at home. Play games like Simon Says, Telephone, or 20 Questions to help kids maintain the active listening skills they’ll need when they return to school.


Start backing off devices

Many homes have increased television and digital media time over the past few months. Start limiting screen time more as school gets closer.

The non-profit is a good source for family-friendly entertainment and technology recommendations.


Read to your child and encourage them to read alone. Reading is an accrued skill. The more you read, the better you get. The better you get, the more you want to read.

And if you’ve been home for months with your child, I don’t have to tell you to let your kids’ teachers know they’re rock stars and you appreciate everything they do for your child and your family.



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