Navigate Normalcy with Self Care

Letter from the Editor – November 2020

Give yourself a break.

Seriously, I mean it. In the best of times, we should cut ourselves a little slack. But this year, in particular, we all need to be reminded that we are doing our best. We are all working to navigate normalcy in ways that we never imagined. Ever-changing the way we live, love, and laugh with those who we hold dear.

Wanting to give our spouses, children, parents, and friends the most familiar versions of ourselves that we can muster. And most days, we can only muster enough energy to get out of bed, let alone address the more significant issues of aging, anxiety, and in our case, the college application process.

If you are like me — one day, I feel like I am conquering the world, and the next, I want to crawl under a table and cry. Each day I wake with the best intentions putting one foot in front of the other, trying not to stumble. Hoping that the work, guidance, and love I give are meeting the expectations I have set for myself and others.

The bottom line is fretting and worrying about what we are providing is counterproductive, and the reality is that we are doing all we can do. The fact that we care about what we are giving — is and should be enough.

As we approach the season of giving, the best gift we can give ourselves and those around us is much more valuable than money. Give yourself, loved ones, and even strangers a break that I believe is long overdue.

Heather Witherspoon Living Magazine Editor Heather Witherspoon Editor [email protected]

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