Area Art Hung at House

Rockwall-Heath HS student designs ornament displayed in Texas Capital

Each year, members of the Texas House of Representatives are invited to select a constituent to create an ornament as a visual representation of what makes each Texas House District special.  The ornaments are hung on a 23-foot Texas-grown Christmas tree that stands in the House Chamber of the Texas Capitol during the holiday season.

Ruby Knox, 10th grader at Rockwall-Heath High School, was asked by State Representative Justin Holland to paint the ornament to represent the 33rd District. 

The ornament represents the artist’s love of volunteering at the seasonal events centered around the gazebo in Town Center Park in her hometown of Heath.

State Representative Holland and his wife, Neely, traveled to Austin to hang it on the tree early last month.

Pictured: Ruby Knox, 10th grader at Rockwall-Heath High School with special assistance by her Best Buddies one-to-one friendship partner, Brianna Lawless.  Best Buddies is the world’s largest organization dedicated to empowering the abilities of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

COURTESY: Steven Offield/Rockwall ISD

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