Digestive Health Center of Bedford - - Archived

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Digestive Health Center of Bedford staff poses for group photo wearing blue scrubs
BY Meredith Knight | Photo by Kenny Richard Photography

Digestive Health Centers (DHC) is the collective name for six state-of-the-art, fully licensed endoscopy centers across Dallas, North Dallas, and the DFW Metroplex. Their gastroenterologists provide high-quality, patient-centric care with a full array of GI procedures and gastrointestinal diagnostic services including colonoscopy and endoscopy. DHC has been an integral part of our community for 25 years and with six locations, there’s one convenient to your home or work.

The team at Digestive Health Center of Bedford understands that 60% of colorectal cancer deaths could have been prevented with proper screening. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among men and women. In fact, one in 23 men and one in 25 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Yet it’s a highly preventable cancer.

Recently, the recommended age for
routine colorectal screening was lowered from 50 to 45 if you have no family history or other risk factors — sooner if you do. Digestive Health Center of Bedford makes your outpatient colorectal exam easy, convenient, and affordable. This state-of-the-art endoscopy center features the latest technology and experienced, board certified gastroenterologists. The center enjoys a patient-satisfaction rate in the high 90s, and because they’re an ambulatory surgery center, they can offer your screening at a third of the cost of a hospital.

They offer direct access screening colonoscopies, which means if you’re of screening age, have no family history of colon cancer, and aren’t currently experiencing any GI symptoms, you can schedule your colonoscopy procedure without an office visit.

The doctors and staff at Digestive Health Centers of Bedford want you to know colorectal cancer is beatable in up to 90% of cases when detected early with appropriate screening performed by a trained gastroenterologist. Unfortunately, one in three adult Americans are not up to date on their colon cancer screening. Don’t be a statistic. Visit DHCofTX.com or call the central scheduling line at
(972) 853-8610 to schedule your next screening.


A colonoscopy is the only screening option that can both detect and prevent colon cancer by detecting and removing precancerous polyps. A screening colonoscopy is usually only needed once every 10 years for people at average risk. At home stool-based tests are also available, however they may miss some colon cancers and most precancerous polyps. When at home tests are positive, a colonoscopy is recommended.


1600 Central Drive, Suite 300
Bedford, Texas 76022