
God of the Impossible - - Archived

10-15 Fruit EDITED_webShe had been barren for over seven years. Though she had cried out to God in desperation, her prayers remained unanswered. God assured her through many voices He had heard and He would answer, but her heartache led her to explore other alternatives. Fertility tests revealed only a 3% chance she and her husband would ever conceive on their own. They considered in-vitro fertilization, but neither felt released to move forward. She wept, knowing she had reached the end of the journey, with no further options. Without God’s supernatural intervention, she would never birth a child of her own.

In our modern, scientifically advanced society, we have many options others did not have in the past and others in the world do not have today. Is it merely coincidence that the greatest miracles often take place in third world countries, those places that have no advanced medical resources? God uses methods of all kinds to bring forth healing and provision, but there seems to be a desperation in those that have no backup plan that isn’t as often seen in those who know they have other resources.

Bob Sorge writes in Secrets of the Secret Place, “Something dynamic happens in your spirit when you look at sources of deliverance and say, ‘No! God, You alone are my Deliverer!’ Not only is your own spirit tenderized through such singular affection, but the response of the Father in the way He moves upon your heart is quite without parallel.”

Some of you reading are facing impossible circumstances. If God does not intervene, the future looks bleak. I encourage you dear reader, do not despair. Do not allow fear and hopelessness to overwhelm you. Seek God and find Him in His Word, in worship music, in the sounds of nature around you, and in the beauty of fellowship. Don’t shut Him out; run to Him. He is El Shaddai, the All-sufficient One, and He will be all you need in every situation.

In times of trouble, fear, doubt, and discouragement can become fast friends in our lives. Rather than concentrate on the limitations of our circumstances and human ability, we must discipline our focus on our limitless God, the one who makes ALL things possible. We are so easily distracted by the cares of this life, aren’t we? After all, we have employment, family responsibilities, church activities, and more. Groceries must be purchased, meals must be prepared, houses must be cleaned, and yards must be managed. In my own life, I’ve discovered three ways to help me focus on God’s eternal presence:

  1. Make a memorial. Throughout the Bible, God instructed His people to make memorials, many of them out of stone. These served to remind future generations of miracles God had performed in the past, giving them confidence that if He provided or delivered once, He’d do it again. Consider setting up your own memorial to commemorate the times when God has moved supernaturally in your life, or in the lives of others.
  2. Release the power of testimony. While we are waiting for our own supernatural provision, healing, or miraculous intervention, listening to and repeating other’s testimonies will not only bring inspiration, but infuses the atmosphere with the glory of God. Psalm 96:3 tells us to “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all the peoples.”
  3. Look up. God is constantly asking us to “come up higher” to “behold His beauty and majesty.” We become like what we behold (2 Corinthians 3:18). If we are staring at our overwhelming circumstances, we can easily be inundated by the challenges of our lives. Rather than gaze at our own insufficiency, we should lock in on His all-sufficiency. God is on His throne and does whatever He pleases (Psalm 115:3). He is not surprised by the events in your life, nor by the state of the world. He has a plan and He always has. Our job is to seek His face, trust His timing and walk in obedience. He promises He will supply all of our needs (Philippians 4:19).

While many in our world struggle with infertility, poverty, disease, and tragedy, our God is still a miracle-worker. Though He may not always answer in the way we think He should, He is always good and His ways are perfect. Even if we have not yet experienced our own miracle, we must hold fast to His promises, knowing that He is able to do the impossible.

I am reminded of His supernatural ability each week as I watch the once-barren woman in my community group coddle the beautiful baby boy she gave birth to in July. God in His wisdom and kindness allowed them to conceive on their own, a miracle acknowledged by even the doctors in their lives. God had promised them a child, if only they would wait on Him and trust His timing, and He never goes back on a promise. The waiting was hard, almost unbearable, but the joy they now have is contagious. Their sweet family is a walking, breathing, daily reminder of God’s faithfulness and goodness. He is no respecter of persons, and if He has made you a promise He will keep it. Never forget, He is the God of the impossible!

By Lisa Jenkins-Moore

Scripture quotations taken from the NIV.

To connect with Lisa or subscribe to her blog, visit LisaJenkinsMoore.com

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