DECIDE to Succeed and…Let Your Decision Guide Your Actions 

Weight Loss isn’t Easy 

DECIDE to Succeed and…Let Your Decision Guide Your Actions 



Have you heard the heartwarming story about the sweet elderly widow who had to leave her beloved home where she’d lived for decades to move into a small room in a nursing home? 

After waiting in the reception area for her room to be ready, an assistant took the well-dressed woman by the arm and began describing the small room that would be her new home. “I love it,” replied the sweet little lady. The assistant gently reminded her that she hadn’t even seen the room yet, so it was a bit soon to know whether or not she loved it.


“That doesn’t have anything to do with it,” replied the old woman. “Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time.”


Fact or fiction, this sweet story is just brimming with truth bombs. Foremost — deciding is often the most important step in any new venture. Decide what it is you want. Decide what it will take to get it. Then let every action (or inaction) reflect and support the decision you’ve already made.


You Have the Power. But it Helps to Have Support.


Take weight loss, for instance. It’s hard. You know it. We know it. Everyone knows it! But…it’s not impossible. 


One area medical weight loss practice is helping individuals identify and plug into their power so it fuels their weight loss success. Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas is the private practice of Folahan Ayoola, MD. Dr. A is fellowship-trained in bariatric surgery and advanced minimally invasive (laparoscopic) surgery.


Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas helps people of all shapes, sizes and ages achieve an ideal body weight using a variety of methods. Just like no two people are exactly alike, weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all scenario. 


“Regardless of which tool we use to help a person achieve lasting weight loss, the first step is always the same,” said Dr. A. “Every individual who has come to the place where they are seeking our help has made a decision they are ready to do whatever it takes to lose the weight for good. That’s step one. Making that decision to commit; that decision to act.”


At this point, the experienced and compassionate clinical team will step in and help each person identify the method of weight loss that is best for his or her unique circumstances. “With so many tools available—some surgical and some not—it’s important to look at each person as a whole before determining what will work best for that person individually,” said Dr. A.

Deciding Leads to Doing


You don’t have to live your life feeling defeated. Decide to make the change. You can lose the weight, regain your health, improve your quality of life and feel great about yourself.

Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas has three locations in Denton, Flower Mound and Frisco. Call 940.382.9429 to get started.




 Photo: Gesina Kunke



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