Why Does Brain Health Matter Now More Than Ever?
Your brain controls everything you think and feel. With more than two million new head injuries per year, mental health issues are becoming more widespread.
What Is a Holistic Brain Health Practitioner?
A holistic provider is someone who uses natural and safe methods of treatment, rather than pharmaceuticals. When it comes to mental health issues, which result from a poorly functioning brain, a holistic brain health practitioner simply rebalances and heals the brain after injury, restoring its normal functions.
What Is Wrong with Medication for Mental Health Issues?
To date, the general public has never been more medicated, but people have also never been sicker. Obviously, medications aren’t fixing the problem. About 40 percent of mental health problems are caused by brain injuries, and you don’t have to lose consciousness or see stars to have a brain injury. Unfortunately, medication does little to help the brain heal afterward. In fact, medications can make matters worse by adding other symptoms and side effects as well as damaging organs.
At The Mind Connection, we are not pill people. We offer natural alternatives that won’t harm your body or brain. In addition to holistic therapy and hormone-balancing creams, we carry Rowe Casa Organics, Earthley, and Dr. Amen’s Brain MD supplements in our store, all of which are made from natural ingredients and are topical creams or ingestible liquids or tinctures.
How Does MicroCurrent Neurofeedback (MCN) Work?
We sometimes refer to treatment sessions as “training” sessions because MCN basically retrains the brain to function optimally. Through assessments, we identify which brain systems aren’t working properly and gently stimulate those areas of the brain, opening neuropathways.
Unlike TMS, MCN is mild and even relaxing. In fact, it’s a pleasant experience overall like a spa for your brain! Many patients will come in feeling one way and leave completely different with a smile on their face. With multiple training sessions, those good feelings last longer after each session because the brain is relearning and becoming balanced again. It’s so safe that MCN can even be used on children, and we treat ourselves every now and then for our own brain “tune up”!
Does Holistic Brain Therapy Actually Work?
Yes! We have seen remarkable improvements in patients. In fact, one young man had been in a terrible accident and was in a coma for a time. His doctors had basically said full recovery was very unlikely. Desperate and unwilling to give up hope, the young man’s mother turned to The Mind Connection. Medications had basically turned him into a zombie. He could move one thumb, just barely, but little else. We knew there was a better way to help.
We went to his home for MCN treatment twice a week for six months. In that time, he regained his ability to eat independently, laugh, smile, and even walk! He is currently relearning to speak as well. All with holistic brain therapy without medications!
About The Expert
Janelle Martin, M. Ed., LCDC, ICP
The Mind Connection
Originally from Magnolia, Texas, Janelle Martin is an experienced certified IASIS MicroCurrent Neurofeedback provider and is a licensed chemical dependency counselor (LCDC). She is also a Dr. Amen Certified Brain Health Professional and certified in Brainspotting. Weekly, she facilitates a parents of addicted loved ones (PAL) support group as well.